Ref. TOFI20220824004 Empresa finlandesa ofrece una nueva tecnología de procesado termomecánico para reciclar y convertir residuos de plásticos reforzados con fibra (FRP)
A Finnish technology SME seeks new partners under a licensing agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance. It offers a low cost and up-scalable thermomechanical processing technique with commodity equipment to convert thermoset FRP waste from...
Ref. TRNL20220328016 Una empresa neerlandesa busca nuevas tecnologías y materiales para el desarrollo de bandejas de ensalada sostenibles
A Dutch food company produces a large amount of private label salads for leading European food partners. Most of the packaging is made from plastic, which puts a great burden on our environment. The company is looking for ways to find an innovative packaging design...
Ref. TRNL20220224030 Empresa neerlandesa busca aumentar la reciclabilidad y mejorar la circularidad de sus envases de golosinas
Dutch producer of sweets is looking for alternative packaging materials. Currently, the company is using bags with a transparent window, made of mono-polypropyleen (PP). Innovative (development) partners and suppliers are sought that have sustainable packaging...