Ref. TRFR20221011014 Empresa francesa busca fabricante europeo de acopladores direccionales de alta potencia utilizados en amplificadores de potencia de estado sólido para radar, satcom y pruebas de compatibilidad/inmunidad electromagnética
A French company has specialised in RF & microwaves components. The SME is looking for high-power dual directional couplers in order to associate with its own power combiners. The partner should design and/or produce high-power directional couplers ideally from...
Ref. TRNL20221014032 Empresa neerlandesa busca cómo desarrollar baldosas de jardín sostenibles
The client is a nationwide wholesaler of ceramic wall, floor and garden tiles. The company is based in Gelderland and has around 100 employees. Via tiling companies, it supplies floor and wall tiles for shop and showroom floors to almost all major retail chains in the...
Ref. TORO20220824013 Grupo de investigación rumano ofrece un método para identificar el tipo de plásticos de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos
A Romanian research team from Transylvania has developed a method for identifying the type of plastics from the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (TRL 6). The analytical method is validated and implemented in the Romanian laboratory and the research...