Ref. BOTR20231228008 Fabricante turco de accesorios de compresión de polipropileno para tuberías de polietileno de alta densidad, tuberías/accesorios de riego por goteo y accesorios busca socios distribuidores en la UE.
Turkish company is a manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Made in Türkiye products like; PP Compression Fittings for HDPE/PE Pipes, Valve Boxes, Sprinklers, Drip Irrigation Pipe/Fittings and Its Accessories, Irrigation Filters, Pipe Thread Anaerobic Sealant, etc....
Ref. BOUA20231227015 Fabricante ucraniano de perfiles de UPVC (cloruro de polivinilo no plastificado) y de ventanas y puertas listas para usar de UPVC busca distribuidores.
The Ukrainian company founded in March 2006 in Dnipro (the then Dnipropetrovsk) produces quality UPVC (Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) windows and doors profile systems at affordable prices. Its unique product quality is acclaimed by windows producers and dealers...
Ref. BOSE20231113009 Empresa sueca especialista en sistemas de ventilación de aire sostenibles y energéticamente eficientes busca distribuidores.
A Swedish specialist in sustainable, energy-effective air ventilation systems is searching for distributors within the HVAC industry interested in expanding their product portfolio with sustainable and affordable air ventilation products that enhance indoor climate...
Ref. BORO20231207013 Empresa de Rumanía quiere exportar sus productos de madera, maderas duras y blandas, chapas y otros productos de madera mediante acuerdo comercial.
The Romanian company have more than 20 years experience, and is located in the Center of Romania. Over the years, due to integrated management and other logistical developments that have been implemented, the company had a dynamic expansion. The Romanian company...