Ref. BOPL20250131018 Empresa polaca especializada en la creación de gemelos digitales para la Industria 4.0 y la arquitectura busca socios que trabajen en grandes proyectos de infraestructuras.
This Polish company provides comprehensive services in the field of virtual mapping technology for resources, services, products and business processes. They discover and map underground objects, building remnants, and more, using ground-penetrating radar to provide...
Ref. BOMK20241217020 Empresa macedonia fabricante de equipos eléctricos de baja tensión para aplicaciones industriales busca socios extranjeros.
A well-established Macedonian manufacturer of law voltage electrical equipment for industrial applications seeks partners for commercial agreements. Founded in the 1950s, the company is now recognized for its innovative solutions and modern design. The range of...
Ref. BORO20241218004 Empresa rumana ofrece soluciones sostenibles para residuos electrónicos y servicios de reciclaje personalizados.
Expert in the collection, treatment, recycling and reuse of electrical and electronic equipment waste, the Romanian company offers complete and personalized services, adapted to the individual needs of each client. Customized services: all aspects of WEEE recycling,...