Ref. BOIT20240517010 Empresa italiana que ha patentado un nuevo sistema de almacenamiento modular fotovoltaico para la autonomía energética busca acuerdos comerciales.

The Italian company was founded in 2011 with a focus on electronic design and energy. Thanks to its R&D department,…...


Ofertas Comerciales


energia solar | paneles fotovoltaicos





The Italian company was founded in 2011 with a focus on electronic design and energy.
Thanks to its R&D department, it has developed and patented a photovoltaic (PV) modular storage system designed for achieving energy autonomy. This MSS operates independently from the grid, exclusively charging its batteries using PV-generated electricity. It prioritizes PV energy for consumption and switches to the grid only when battery levels are depleted.
The company is looking for a commercial agreement.

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