Ref. BOPT20221021006 Empresa portuguesa busca distribuidores de generadores eléctricos (gasolina, diesel y gas).
Portuguese company that produces and sells a wide range of power generators and also standard solutions is seeking distributors. This company offers complementary services related to technical assistance or equipment maintenance. Solicite información indicando la...
Ref. BOBG20220812009. Empresa búlgara, productora de diferentes tipos de pegamentos y siliconas, busca distribuidores o empresas fabricantes que necesiten este tipo de productos en sus propios procesos productivos.
Bulgarian company, producing various kinds of glue, such as polyvinyl acetate glue, silicone and new Eco and vegan glues in different packaging, is looking for distributors and shops that sell such products or companies which use glue and silicone as raw materials for...
Ref. BOUA20220708010. Fabricante ucraniano de miel y productos apícolas busca distribuidores.
Ukrainian company from the Poltava region produces organic food (honey and bee products). The company is looking for agents and distributors in European markets under distribution services agreement. Solicite información indicando la referencia.