Perfiles comerciales, tecnológicos y búsquedas de socios
Presentamos oportunidades de cooperación empresarial, si desea contactar con posibles socios comerciales, a través de la Enterprise Europe Network.
Presentamos oportunidades de cooperación tecnológica, si desea contactar con otras empresas, universidades y centros tecnológicos, a través de la Enterprise Europe Network.
Búsqueda de socios
En esta sección encontrará empresas, centros tecnológicos y organismos públicos y privados de investigación interesados en presentar propuestas a programas europeos e internaciones de financiación de I+D e innovación que necesitan socios para completar su consorcio.
Ofertas Comerciales
Ref. BOGR20250307006 Hotel griego de bungalows en la isla de Tasos busca agentes de viajes y operadores turísticos para un acuerdo comercial.
A family owned ecofriendly bungalow resort in Thassos is looking for foreign travel agents and tour operator partners in Bulgaria, Germany, Belgium, France, UK, Austria, Scandinavian countries, Turkey and Russia in order to conduct commercial agency agreements. The...
Mar 27, 2025
Ref. BOMT20250310009 Empresa de impresión 3D de Malta busca franquiciados dispuestos a firmar un contrato de franquicia de fábrica como servicio.
The Maltese company has years of a proven 3D printing and digital manufacturing business model and offers a turnkey solution for entrepreneurs looking to enter the high-growth 3D printing industry. Franchisees will gain access to the expertise, resources, and...
Mar 27, 2025
Ref. BOPT20250130024 PYME portuguesa busca clientes españoles que quieran externalizar la instalación, optimización y mantenimiento de soluciones climáticas y de fluidos industriales
Portuguese SME offers the installation and maintenance of climate solutions with low or neutral environmental impact and solutions for the maintenance and optimization of industrial fluids. The company has extensive experience and strives to offer a quality service...
Feb 13, 2025
Ref. BOPL20250131018 Empresa polaca especializada en la creación de gemelos digitales para la Industria 4.0 y la arquitectura busca socios que trabajen en grandes proyectos de infraestructuras.
This Polish company provides comprehensive services in the field of virtual mapping technology for resources, services, products and business processes. They discover and map underground objects, building remnants, and more, using ground-penetrating radar to...
Feb 13, 2025
Ref. BOMK20241217020 Empresa macedonia fabricante de equipos eléctricos de baja tensión para aplicaciones industriales busca socios extranjeros.
A well-established Macedonian manufacturer of law voltage electrical equipment for industrial applications seeks partners for commercial agreements. Founded in the 1950s, the company is now recognized for its innovative solutions and modern design. The range of...
Ene 16, 2025
Ref. BORO20241218004 Empresa rumana ofrece soluciones sostenibles para residuos electrónicos y servicios de reciclaje personalizados.
Expert in the collection, treatment, recycling and reuse of electrical and electronic equipment waste, the Romanian company offers complete and personalized services, adapted to the individual needs of each client. Customized services: all aspects of WEEE...
Ene 16, 2025
Ref. BOHU20241210013 Empresa desarrolladora y fabricante de sistemas anticolisión y control de tráfico para carretillas elevadoras busca socios revendedores.
The Hungarian company is specialized in artificial intelligence-based safety and traffic management solutions for production areas and warehouses. Its solutions enhance both traffic flow and safety to prevent accidents, reduce downtime, and improve operational...
Dic 12, 2024
Ref. BODK20241011010 Empresa danesa busca distribuidores para un robot patentado que desplaza vehículos eléctricos.
An innovative Danish engineering company is actively seeking distributors partners for its patented vehicle-moving robot developed to address the increasing challenges posed by the rise in electric vehicles worldwide. Currently, it is the only product on the market...
Nov 12, 2024
Ref. BOGR20241015015 PYME griega ofrece productos químicos especializados y biotecnológicos para cooperación comercial.
A family-owned business from Greece manufactures and trades special-use chemicals and products based on microorganisms such as bacteria and other microbes, for a variety of industrial and professional applications. It is looking for commercial partners...
Nov 12, 2024
Ref. BOBE20240829001 Empresa belga que desarrolla bienes de consumo sostenibles y productos cero residuos con posibilidad de personalización busca revendedores, empresas, tiendas o distribuidores.
The company prefers two main materials: Bamboo and stainless-steel. The products proposed by the company are divided in 5 categories: health & beauty, home & kitchen, on the go, spare parts, gifts. The range of products for health & beauty category are...
Oct 10, 2024
Ref. BOPT20240828019 Empresa portuguesa que desarrolla, diseña y fabrica estufas de pellets ecológicas busca distribuidores en toda Europa.
The Portuguese-based company has developed a line of eye-catching pellet stoves that are highly efficient and provide a sustainable and clean-burning option for ecoconscious homeowners, ensuring they can heat their home effectively while minimizing environmental...
Oct 10, 2024
Ref. BODE20240723011 Empresa alemana ofrece selladores nanoestructurados y libres de silicona que facilitan la limpieza de superficies.
A German company specialises in high-quality nano-structured, silicone-free sealants for coating and impregnation for numerous applications (automotive glass, PV solar, textiles, rims, marquees, grills etc.). The sealants reduce cleaning time and effort, enhancing...
Sep 17, 2024
Ref. BOLT20240710006 Empresa lituana especializada en proporcionar trabajadores altamente calificados de mano de obra busca socios dentro de los sectores de construcción e industria.
Lithuanian manpower provider with an international reference list and over 120 skilled employees on board. In their team, they have highly-skilled welders, steel fitters, pipefitters, HVAC specialists, painters, electricians, carpenters / interior fitters, and...
Sep 17, 2024
Ref. BOIT20240722005 PYME italiana fabricante de material escolar y de oficina busca minoristas, agentes y/o distribuidores.
Italian SME, based in the Piedmont region, with one production site and three warehouses, has been manufacturing and marketing school and office supplies for over 50 years. In Italy the company boasts a structured and organized network of agents, it also exports...
Ago 6, 2024
Ref. BODE20240722019 Empresa alemana que ofrece un cuero vegano como alternativa sostenible, busca empresas del sector del calzado, accesorios y de diseño de interiores para acuerdos con proveedores.
The German startup has developed an innovative, sustainable substitute for leather made from hemp that can be used in industries such as fashion, accessories, and interior design. The company is looking for companies from the footwear, leather accessories and...
Ago 6, 2024
Ref. BOSG20240611002 Innovador productor de detergentes ecológicos de Singapur busca distribuidores y representantes nacionales en Europa.
The Singapore-based founder started an intensive R&D journey in 2009 to replace heavy, bulky, spill-prone detergents and cleaners. Together with his team, he developed an effective and portable cleaning solution using a soluble tablet. His revolutionary soluble...
Jul 16, 2024
Ref. BOCZ20240613017 Empresa checa productora de estaciones de carga eléctrica para bicicletas y automóviles que pueden colocarse en hogares y espacios públicos busca socios internacionales..
This Czech company designs and produces charging stations to support e-mobility and now seeks distributor or agents for being their representatives on foreign markets. The charging stations on offer are suitable for households (residential) and for public places....
Jul 16, 2024
Ref. BOUA20240520002 Empresa ucraniana que ofrece el suministro de combustibles ecológicos busca socios para la venta de dichos productos bajo contrato de exportación.
The Ukrainian company offers the supply of environmentally safe types of fuel, namely: Wood pellets, Sunflower husk pellets. Lignin pellets. Pellets from agricultural seeds Wood briquettes. RUF, Pini-kay, NESTRO Sunflower husk briquettes The company is looking for...
Jun 11, 2024
Ref. BOIT20240517010 Empresa italiana que ha patentado un nuevo sistema de almacenamiento modular fotovoltaico para la autonomía energética busca acuerdos comerciales.
The Italian company was founded in 2011 with a focus on electronic design and energy. Thanks to its R&D department, it has developed and patented a photovoltaic (PV) modular storage system designed for achieving energy autonomy. This MSS operates independently...
Jun 11, 2024
Ref. BOPL20240422027 Productor/fabricante polaco busca distribuidores y agentes para vender o alquilar sus contenedores de oficina, contenedores sanitarios, contenedores residenciales, casas modulares y otros contenedores. La firma también ofrece productos hechos a medida.
A Polish producer/manufacturer offers office containers, sanitary containers, living containers, modular homes and containers suitable for other purposes. They are made of steel profiles and sandwich panels. The containers can be combined in numerous configurations...
May 9, 2024
Ref. BOCO20240506013 Agencia colombiana de marketing digital busca alianzas estratégicas en España.
An expanding digital marketing agency seeks strategic partners in Spain, through the following figures. 1. Joint Ventures: Combining their marketing expertise with the partner's local accounting & tax knowledge. 2. Network Collaboration: Partnering with...
May 9, 2024
Ref. BOIE20240401013 Empresa irlandesa que ofrece servicios de inglés comercial a clientes cuyo idioma nativo no es el inglés y que desean trabajar internacionalmente busca clientes internacionales.
This Irish company provides an English learning solution to companies that helps employees improve their level of Industry-specific English which subsequently equips businesses with autonomous teams. Solicite información indicando la...
Abr 9, 2024
Ref. BOPL20240327011 Fabricante polaco de bolsas isotérmicas para pizza y otros alimentos calientes busca compradores en el sector alimentario y HoReCa.
A company from south Poland is offering thermobags made according to new standards, based on customer feedback. The bags have an external layer made of nylon, instead of traditionally used codura, which is a very durable material, resistant to wear and damage....
Abr 9, 2024
Ref. BOTR20240311016 Empresa turca que produce biocarbón de alta calidad busca agentes, mayoristas y minoristas internacionales.
The Turkish company has recently started a new patented technology that uses pyrolysis process to produce high quality biochar which is mainly used in agriculture, construction, livestock, asphalt and treatment. Biochar is a highly porous carbon that improves...
Mar 18, 2024
Ref. BORO20240228002 Agencia de viajes de Rumanía busca nuevos socios comerciales internacionales (agencias de turismo y de viajes) en el marco de acuerdos comerciales.
A Romanian travel agency offers corporate and leisure tourism services, as well as organising employee incentive programs and events. The company seeks travel agencies and tour operators interested to include Romanian travel destinations in their tourism packages....
Mar 18, 2024
Demandas Comerciales
Ref. BRPL20250130017 Fabricante polaco de productos de alta calidad para las industrias de panadería, confitería y gastronomía busca un proveedor a largo plazo de coco deshidratado.
The company manufactures high-quality products for the baking, confectionery, and gastronomy industries. They are recognized in Poland and abroad as a reliable partner that offers superior products. They also provide professional technological and marketing...
Feb 24, 2025
Ref. BRGR20250210016 Una empresa griega especializada en soluciones de gestión inteligente de medicamentos busca socios comerciales para la fabricación de envases farmacéuticos de plástico (blísters) bajo un acuerdo de proveedor.
A Greek startup revolutionizing medication management by offering a holistic solution to enhance patient adherence and well-being is looking for European business partners for the manufacturing of plastic pharmaceutical packaging (blister packs) under commercial or...
Feb 24, 2025
Ref. BRSE20250123025 Una empresa sueca especializada en postres crudos congelados de primera calidad elaborados con frutas y frutos secos busca contratos de fabricación y envasado para sus productos bajo su propia marca en Europa.
A Swedish family-owned company specializing in luxurious handmade frozen desserts made from fruits and nuts. The desserts come in the form of ice cream bars, cups, and cake slices, and they are gluten-free and nutritious. The products are raw, meaning nothing is...
Ene 31, 2025
Ref. BRLU20250128023 Una empresa comercial luxemburguesa busca importar materiales de construcción, especialmente en los sectores de paneles de construcción, suelos y madera, bajo servicios de distribución o acuerdos de agencia comercial.
A Luxembourg company active in the import and selling of building materials is looking to expand its product catalogue. Having an important network in Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands and France, it is looking to expand its international network of suppliers. It...
Ene 31, 2025
Ref. BRPL20250130017 Fabricante polaco de productos de alta calidad para las industrias de panadería, confitería y gastronomía busca un proveedor a largo plazo de coco deshidratado.
The company manufactures high-quality products for the baking, confectionery, and gastronomy industries. They are recognized in Poland and abroad as a reliable partner that offers superior products. They also provide professional technological and marketing...
Ene 31, 2025
Ref. BRRO20241216009 Una empresa rumana especializada en construcción civil e industrial desea adquirir productos relacionados mediante la firma de acuerdos comerciales con socios del extranjero.
The 1994 founded Romanian company offers complete and comprehensive services in the area of civil and industrial construction, as follows: - construction demolition and land preparation works; - roof covering, frameworks and terrace construction works; - finishing...
Dic 17, 2024
Ref. BRNL20241213026 Empresa alemana busca excedentes de alimentos congelados
The Dutch organization focuses on the sustainable redistribution of surplus frozen products, such as food nearing its expiration date or leftovers from canceled orders. The organization acts as a bridge between suppliers offering these products and customers...
Dic 17, 2024
Ref.BRSE20241113010 Fábrica sueca de calzado busca proveedores de accesorios y materiales para la producción de calzado.
The only shoe factory left in Sweden is looking for bags, gloves and other accessories as well as materials like leather, sole material and other components for its shoe production. The company has well known brand that reflects craftmanship and high quality....
Nov 28, 2024
Ref. BRCZ20241113012 Empresa checa busca fabricantes OEM de muebles
A furniture company from Czech Republic is looking for reliable partner to outsource manufacturing capacity. Looking for a manufacturer with classic woodworking machinery who is able to produce as OEM. The volume might be up to 1000-2000 pieces a year. The SME is...
Nov 28, 2024
Ref. BRTR20241119003 Fabricante turco de estanterías busca proveedores
Turkish SME is looking for suppliers of suppliers of wire hooks and galvanized shelf sheets Solicite información indicando la...
Nov 28, 2024
Ref. BRGB20241004012 Marca de moda sostenible del Reino Unido busca la colaboración con productores textiles europeos
Small boutique fashion company based in London is seeking collaboration with European European partners or collaborators for her fashion business to supply it with textiles that is no longer of meaningful use and would be discarded anyway. Solicite información...
Oct 25, 2024
Ref. BRNL20241015021 Pyme holandesa busca una instalación de extracción de alimentos para un acuerdo de subcontratación
A Dutch SME is scaling up it's patented upcycling process for the valorization of hard cheese by-products. Currently they are looking for a food extraction facility, capable of working with ethanol and drying equipment (and diary as raw materia). The objective of...
Oct 25, 2024
Ref. BRRO20241021002 Empresa rumana busca proveedores de productos textiles y prendas de vestir adecuados para la industria publicitaria.
A Romanian company with over 15 years’ market experience specializes in creating promotional apparel and other promotional products. The company’s portfolio includes promotional T-shirts, hoodies, sneakers etc., bean-bags, backlits, hammocks, flags etc. Products...
Oct 25, 2024
Ref. BRFR20240913004 Empresa francesa busca una línea de producción de bebidas esterilizadas en Europa para fabricar bebidas de marca
French stratup company is seeking a bottling partner based in Europe for their innovative matcha latte product under an outsourcing agreement. The start-up company is looking for a subcontractor to handle bottling and packaging services. The product will be used...
Sep 26, 2024
Ref. BRDK20240913014 Empresa danesa de diseño de interiores con conciencia medioambiental busca un fabricante europeo de textiles sostenibles para el hogar
A Copenhagen-based interior design company focused on sustainable home textiles is looking for a European manufacturer. The company specializes in transforming deadstock materials into high-quality, limited-edition interior pieces, including shower curtains,...
Sep 26, 2024
Ref. BRSE20240917009 Empresa sueca busca fabricante para la producción de botas de goma de primera calidad
A Swedish company specializing in high-quality rubber boots with a focus on Scandinavian design is seeking a manufacturing partner. The company requires a reliable and experienced manufacturer capable of producing custom-designed rubber boots, adhering to strict...
Sep 26, 2024
Ref. BRGB20240719028
The UK SME is a manufacturer of innovative plaster and concrete products using sustainable and natural materials. The company is seeking a supplier of natural cork to use in their sustainable concrete products, with the capacity to increase volume and frequency as...
Ago 26, 2024
Ref. BRNL20240802009 Agencia holandesa de muebles y accesorios busca fabricantes europeos de muebles de proyecto para ampliar su cartera
Dutch agency operates in high end furnishings projects. Their projects guarantee a luxurious look and refined interior. The agency seeks for European partners that operate in the field of furnishings and accessories with its own outstanding design and have the...
Ago 26, 2024
Ref. BRSE20240821002 Empresa sueba busca proveedores de transportines para perros
The company are looking for producers of dog carrier in Europe. The material is Polyester 100%, Pu-coated. Wear resistance 40/30N. Flame protection BS5867 / BS7837 UV-Resistant > UV4. Cold hardiness -30-40 degrees. Washing instructions 40° C, Do not tumble dry....
Ago 26, 2024
Ref. BRRO20240626003 Productor rumano de miel cruda natural y mezclas de miel busca proveedores de envases de vidrio
A Romanian family company specialises in the production of raw honey and honey mixes which combine honey and different nuts and spices such as wallnuts, almonds, caju, mint, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon etc. Products are packed in glass containers of different sizes....
Jul 25, 2024
Ref. BRBE20240702013 Empresa belga busca empresas europeas de impresión de tejidos digitales
A young and dynamic belgian company creating sewing patterns and selling fabrics is looking for European digital fabrics printing companies. Solicite información indicando la...
Jul 25, 2024
Ref. BRPL20240613005. Empresa polaca busca un procesador de caracoles reproductores de alta calidad.
The Polish company that provides comprehensive training in the field of snail breeding, care for breeding groups, coordination, scientific research, trade and processing of the Helix aspersa maxima snail is looking for a processor of high-quality breeding snails....
Jun 24, 2024
Ref. BRSE20240613015. Minorista sueco online de artículos de lujo busca proveedores de bolsos, joyas, gafas de sol, cinturones, etc.
A Swedish online retailer focusing on luxury goods is searching for suppliers of bags, handbags, sunglasses, jewelry, belts, hair clips, and similar products within this product category. The company is selling its products in Sweden today but aims to expand its...
Jun 24, 2024
BRPL20240513010 Búsqueda de proveedores de residuos electrónicos y eléctricos.
The company is interested in purchasing used equipment: 1. PCs 2. Laptops 3. Tablets 4. Servers/switch 5. Old cell phones 6. Smartphone 7. TV decoders 8. CD/DVD drives 9. HDD drives 10. Computer power supplies 11. Computer RAM 12. PCBs (any type, i.e. motherboard...
May 28, 2024
BRIE20240514024 Pyme irlandesa especializada en tarjetas, impresiones y productos de regalo personalizados busca fabricantes de productos cerámicos para una nueva gama de productos de estilo de vida (como platos, tazas y soportes para pasteles)
Irish SME specializing in custom Cards, Prints, and Gifting products seeking partnership agreement with a Manufacturer of Ceramic products for a new range of lifestyle products, such as plates, mugs and cake stands. Furthermore, the company seeks to identify a...
May 28, 2024
Ofertas Tecnológicas
Ref.TOTR20250321005. Empresa líder mundial en ingeniería y tecnología, con una sólida base operativa en Turquía, busca socios colaboradores para programas internacionales, incluidos EUREKA y Horizonte Europa.
A Turkish large company offers advanced technology solutions for collaborative projects in areas such as industrial automation, digital transformation, cloud and edge computing, industrial AI (including generative/agentic AI, large language models, MLOps, and...
Mar 24, 2025
Ref.TODE20250220007.Una PYME alemana ofrece una herramienta digital de apoyo a pequeños y grandes fabricantes de sectores como la automoción, el ferrocarril y la maquinaria industrial, que ahorra tiempo de trabajo, dinero y CO2.
SME from northern Germany developed a digital support solution for fast decision-making for the best, cheapest and most sustainable materials in production. Working time, money and CO2 can be saved. Small to large manufacturers in sectors such as automotive, rail...
Feb 24, 2025
Ref.TOAT20250127008.Se buscan socios de externalización/inversión para una solución de software de plataforma única que ofrezca una gestión integral de la energía.
An independent software solution for cost-saving, comprehensive energy management is offered, unifying all energy carriers on a single platform. It utilises open protocols, integrates IoT technologies and employs AI for anomaly detection, time series correction and...
Ene 31, 2025
Ref.TOIT20241217024.Una PYME italiana ofrece un sistema innovador, continuo, automático y rentable de monitorización de estructuras, infraestructuras o movimientos del terreno basado en la tecnología del Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite.
Italian SME offers an innovative GNSS end-to-end system for the continuous monitoring of critical infrastructure (e.g. dams, bridges, roads), structures (e.g. buildings) and natural hazards (e.g. landslides). The system includes hardware, software and technical...
Dic 20, 2024
Ref.TOPT20241125010. Un laboratorio portugués de I+D ofrece su experiencia en simulaciones del mercado eléctrico y previsión de potencia para las convocatorias HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-06 y HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-01.
The PT R&D Lab is interested in integrating/creating a consortium to participate HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-06 and/or HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-01) calls. The PT R&D Lab has developed advanced electricity market simulators as well as power forecasting systems for...
Nov 28, 2024
Ref.TONL20241024010.Productor holandés de plataforma de cumplimiento de IA busca socio de desarrollo.
Producer of AI Act Compliance Platform that simplifies compliance with the EU AI Act for businesses, reducing manual work by at least 60%, improving risk management, and enabling innovation through responsible AI practices. Solicite información indicando la...
Oct 28, 2024
Ref.TOIT20240911022. Una empresa italiana con amplia experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo de tecnologías espaciales ofrece a centros de investigación y empresas de ciencias de la vida la posibilidad de experimentar con un sistema de laboratorio autónomo miniaturizado que funciona en microgravedad.
The company working in the aerospace industry provides advanced services in life sciences to public and private organizations interested in experimentation using a small, self-operating laboratory system that functions in microgravity. The MiniLab, which is...
Sep 25, 2024
Ref.TOUA20240819011. Empresa de TI de Ucrania especializada en externalización de TI, desarrollo de software a medida y servicios de transformación digital ofrece soluciones escalables de alta calidad para mejorar la eficiencia operativa de la empresa, impulsar la innovación y alcanzar objetivos.
ErgoServe is a leading IT service provider offering a broad range of services, including IT outsourcing, custom software development, and digital transformation solutions. Since its establishment, ErgoServe has built a reputation for delivering reliable and...
Ago 28, 2024
Ref.TOUA20240724012. Un centro de innovación ucraniano ofrece una mesa para masajes con aceite en el cuerpo y la cabeza, para el procedimiento ayurvédico Shirodhana (procedimiento tradicional indio).
An innovation center from Ukraine offers cooperation on the manufacturing of a table for oil massage of the body and head. In Ayurveda (the ancient science of health), this procedure is called Shirodhana. The materials offered are more hygienic, which makes the...
Jul 25, 2024
Ref.TODE20240628018 Una universidad alemana ha desarrollado un sistema automatizado de ultrasonidos para el registro en 4D de los movimientos musculares. Busca socios colaboradores, y/o inversores para seguir desarrollando la nueva tecnología hasta su madurez en serie.
A German university has developed an automated ultrasound system for 4D recording of muscle movements. The system includes a device with an integrated passive active mechanism to maintain the contact force, which is of crucial importance for the high image quality...
Jul 1, 2024
REF. TOGR20240526001. Empresa griega ofrece un dosímetro de radiación personal innovador, inteligente y patentado con una plataforma que permite la medición instantánea para personas que trabajan en condiciones de entorno de radiación, como en la sanidad, el espacio o la industria nuclear.
A Greek SME has developed and offering a patented, innovative, smart, personal radiation dosimeter capable of measuring all key types of harmful radiation (X-rays, Gamma, Heavy ions, Beta and Neutrons), with higher sensitivity and accuracy, in real time. The...
May 28, 2024
REF. TOCY20240424002. La empresa CY, que fabrica y vende tablas de skate innovadoras y sostenibles, ofrece su tecnología, que puede utilizarse en casi cualquier deporte de tabla.
A Cyprus based company is manufacturing and selling skateboards using a cutting-edge material to increase performance, durability and sustainability. The company is offering its technology on the basis of a commercial agreement. Solicite información...
Abr 25, 2024
Ref.TOIT20240328014 Una empresa italiana especializada en el diseño y producción de grúas hidráulicas articuladas para montar en camiones industriales busca acuerdos comerciales con asistencia técnica, financiera y de fabricación con empresas europeas.
An Italian company producing a complete set-up for commercial vehicles making it ready to work. This setup includes a hydraulic crane, tipper body and radio control. The reduced width of the crane also allows more loading volume in the tipper body. The development...
Abr 2, 2024
Ref. TOHU20240226055 Una empresa ucraniana especializada en el cultivo de micelio de setas ofrece tecnología para el tratamiento de residuos de setas
A Ukrainian SME plans to introduce technology for processing mushroom waste in EU countries. Processing makes it possible to obtain valuable raw materials that can be used, for example, in the food industry, as well as in growing mushrooms. The SME is looking for...
Mar 1, 2024
Ref. TOFR20240123002 Startup francesa ofrece software basado en IA que acelera y automatiza la revisión de publicaciones científicas para investigadores
A French startup offers AI-powered software that automates literature review for medical clinicians and researchers, by gathering articles from open-source scientific publication platforms and sorting, analyzing, synthesizing and personalizing research output for...
Ene 24, 2024
Ref. TOBE20231221012 PYME belga busca socios interesados en integrar el caucho reciclado en sus operaciones y que puedan contribuir al avance de los métodos de reprocesamiento del caucho
A belgian SME specialized in diverse granulation processes for compounds, elastomers, vulcanized rubber, and composites. The company offers tailored trials for various materials, emphasizing quality through meticulous analyses like density, flexion, compression,...
Dic 21, 2023
Ref. TOIT20231122018 Empresa italiana ofrece soluciones de mantenimiento predictivo basadas en inteligencia artificial para plantas industriales, civiles y eólicas/fotovoltaicas
An Italian company offers a predictive maintenance solution for civil and industrial systems, based on artificial intelligence. The technology offered allows to provide a correct prediction of the failure time or residual life of the equipment, guaranteeing the...
Nov 29, 2023
Ref. TOGR20231017016 Empresa griega ofrece tecnología de datos de trazabilidad para un sistema alimentario rastreable
A Greek SME is offering trackable food system technology for product traceability to food producers via commercial agrrements with technical assistance. Solicite información indicando la...
Oct 20, 2023
Ref. TODE20230918007 Universidad alemana ofrece un recubrimiento anticorrosión respetuoso con el medio ambiente y libre de metales
The present invention of a German university comprises a metal-free, environmental friendly anti-corrosion coating. It consists of an aqueous solution of alkyl-modified phytic acid oligomers and epoxy or OH acrylate resin, which polymerize on the substrate under...
Sep 27, 2023
Ref. TOGB20230919007 Pyme británica ofrece una nueva solución biotecnológica que elimina bacterias no deseadas dentro de un organismo, reduciendo la necesidad de utilizar antibióticos en animales de granja
A UK Scientific SME has developed innovative biotechnology reducing the need to use antibiotics in farmed animals and promoting crop resilience and increased productivity. They seek partnerships with research organisations and innovation led Agri-tech businesses...
Sep 27, 2023
Ref. TOSI20230922014 Proveedor esloveno de servicios de fabricación electrónica de conjuntos de placas de circuito impreso (PCB) (PCBA) ofrece creación de prototipos y producción en series pequeñas y medianas de PCBs y/o PCBAs
A Slovenian electronic manufacturing service provider has its own production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and printed circuit boards assemblies (PCBAs) under one roof enabling fast prototyping and serial production of small/medium batches of electronic boards....
Sep 27, 2023
Ref. TOGR20230925017 Pyme griega ofrece estación meteorológica para la toma de datos en el campo en tiempo real
A Greek SME has developed a smart solution for the agricultural sector that enables the collection and transmission of weather data in real time to the cloud. The client is looking for partners to adopt the technology under commercial agreements with technical...
Sep 27, 2023
Ref. TOGB20230823009 Empresa del Reino Unido busca socios para probar una pintura refrigerante con alta reflectancia solar que han creado
UK SME has created a water-based cooling paint. It reflects solar heat away from a surface and allows that surface to lose more heat than it absorbs from the sun. The combination of high reflectivity, high emissivity, and low cost make their paint an important part...
Ago 30, 2023
Ref. TOGR20230727006 Spin-off griega ofrece tecnología para la valorización de residuos alimentarios y subproductos del sector agroalimentario
A Greek spin-off has developed a waste management and recovery - reuse technique for reducing food waste. It is interested in setting up partnerships for further research and development of this technology in order to be able to commercialise it. Solicite...
Jul 27, 2023
Ref. TODE20230608014 Startup alemana ofrece un software de gemelo digital para simular procesos de industrias manufactureras
A German Startup has developed a digital twin software to simulate industrial solids processes. This process simulation tool digitally reproduces the behaviour of solids, e.g. during different production stages. It can be used to enable seemless optimization,...
Jun 28, 2023
Demandas Tecnológicas
Ref.TRAT20250310002. Empresa austriaca busca socios a largo plazo (acuerdo de proveedor) para el desarrollo de carcasas de plástico (de alta calidad) para dispositivos electrónicos.
The Austrian company, specializing in innovative systems for lone workers, is seeking partners to develop and/or produce plastic housings for electronic devices. These housings must meet specific technical requirements to ensure safety and functionality. The...
Mar 24, 2025
Ref.TRIT20250218024.Una empresa social italiana que integra diseño, cultura e inclusión social con servicios para empresas y el sector público busca acuerdos de colaboración comercial con asistencia técnica con empresas europeas.
An Italian social enterprise focused on disability, integration, and social support, aiming to identify job opportunities for vulnerable individuals, is seeking collaborations with companies and research centers in Europe to develop new technologies to enhance its...
Feb 24, 2025
Ref.TRGB20250129003.PYME galesa desarrolla una gama de cosméticos veganos deshidratados, de origen ético y aprobados por PETA. Busca una asociación técnica con potencial comercial para identificar películas poliméricas veganas solubles en agua adecuadas para la encapsulación de cosméticos.
Already established in the ethical cosmetic sector, this Welsh SME has formulated a range of concentrated, dehydrated cosmetics to minimise each product’s carbon footprint. The company is requesting a technical partnership with polymer film supplier to identify and...
Ene 31, 2025
Ref. TRIN20241219011. Un inversor y promotor de proyectos indio busca asociarse con un proveedor de tecnología para soluciones innovadoras de gestión de residuos, con el fin de establecer operaciones en la India.
An Indian investor and project developer is keen to partner with a technology provider for innovative waste management solutions, to set up operations in India. The investor is a leading Indian company providing innovative, one-stop engineering and construction...
Dic 20, 2024
Ref.TRLV20241113030.Una empresa letona dedicada al tratamiento de residuos generales y electrotécnicos busca tecnología química para recuperar silicio de residuos de paneles fotovoltaicos.
It is known, that parts of solar panels, as frames, mostly aluminum, can be easily removed and recycled. At the same, remaining content of panel, mixture of tamper proof glass, glue, silicon cells, and plastic backplane, even crushed, are difficult to sort. Company...
Nov 28, 2024
Ref.TRIT20241009010.Una empresa italiana de diseño y fabricación de motores y sistemas complejos para las industrias de automoción, marina y aeronáutica está desarrollando un motor híbrido para aeronaves y busca socios potenciales con el fin de iniciar proyectos conjuntos de colaboración.
An Italian engine manufacturing company is engaged in multiple research and development projects aimed at new air mobility. These projects focus on hybridization, full electric integration, and the development of fuel cells, particularly for aviation applications....
Oct 28, 2024
Ref.TRDK20240710008. Empresa danesa de tecnología alimentaria busca socio tecnológico para seguir desarrollando su algoritmo de diseño de productos acabados.
The Danish food-tech company is specialised in the upcycling of spent grain. The company repurposes the spent grains into highly nutritious, aromatic and versatile ingredients, easy to implement in the food and beverage industry. The company is looking for a...
Sep 25, 2024
Ref.TRGB20240822018.PYME británica que desarrolla terapias oncológicas para cánceres difíciles de tratar busca colaboraciones estratégicas en materia de investigación.
Cell membrane lipid phosphatidylserine (PS) is abnormally exposed on the surface of cancer cells, allowing tumour cells to evade the normal immune response. This SME is developing molecules that bind to PS as a targeting technology for delivery of drug conjugates...
Ago 28, 2024
Ref.TRSE20240705012.Empresa sueca de vehículos todoterreno busca socio para motor eléctrico.
Northern Sweden based company pioneering the world's first electric circular terrain vehicles. It's not just a thrilling ride; it's an eco-conscious vehicle. Their innovative design drastically reduces CO2 emissions, making it the market leader in sustainability....
Jul 25, 2024
Ref.TRPL20240620001 PYME polaca busca soluciones punteras en robótica para acuerdos de distribución.
A Polish SME located in central part of Poland, is an expert in distribution of advanced solutions for various sectors of industry (i.e. agri-food, paper, chemical, wood). Manufacturing partners are sought under distribution services agreements. Solicite...
Jul 1, 2024
REF. TRSI20240508019. Una empresa eslovena especializada en el desarrollo y la producción de bicicletas eléctricas busca ayuda para evitar el mal funcionamiento de la carga de la batería en las estaciones de recarga.
Slovenian company, founded in 2002, is engaged in the production of e-bikes for personal use, transportation and bike sharing. The company would like to find a partner to help solve the problem of batteries not charging at the charging stations (for e-bike sharing...
May 28, 2024
REF. TRIT20240416010.El Programa Internacional Open Innovation busca Start-ups y Scale-ups que ofrezcan soluciones tecnológicas para mejorar el uso de datos para la automatización y el rendimiento de las máquinas. (El reto finaliza el 5 de julio de 2024).
Italian companies taking part in an International Open Innovation Program seek Start-ups and Scale-ups offering technological solutions to improve machine automation and performance using advanced data analysis for predictive maintenance, autonomous agriculture,...
Abr 25, 2024
Ref. TRHU20240327019 Empresa húngara dedicada al desarrollo, fabricación y suministro de biorreactores únicos a pequeña escala busca socios sanitarios e institutos de investigación con el fin de solicitar subvenciones de la UE.
Hungarian start-up company is a developer, manufacturer, and supplier of unique small-scale bioreactors for medical and other type of clinical bio-nano research. Bioreactors are also used to cultivate cells, tissues, and microorganisms in controlled environments....
Abr 2, 2024
Ref. TRDE20240220011 Una empresa alemana busca soluciones de eficiencia energética para edificios y materiales de construcción sostenibles
A German architectural company is interested in improving environmental aspects and energy efficiency in their sustainable buildings and passive houses. Thus they look for sustainable construction materials and energy efficiency technologies for buildings. ...
Mar 1, 2024
Ref. TRSI20240119011 Empresa eslovena especializada en el desarrollo y producción de productos de poliuretano (PU) busca ayuda para evitar y separar los productos semiacabados de PU que se adhieran a los moldes de aluminio
Slovenian company, founded in 1994, is engaged in the production of various finished polyurethane (PU) products such as seat parts. The company would like to find a partner to help solve the challenge of separating semi-finished polyurethane foam products from...
Ene 24, 2024
Ref. TRIE20231206013 Empresa irlandesa de diseño de prendas de punto de lujo que busca un acuerdo de asociación con un proveedor de hilos de cachemira de todos los calibres
The client offers luxury knitwear designed and crafted in Ireland, specifically Cashmere and Handknit Arans. The client has been in business since 2016, and offers their luxury knitwear products throughout Ireland. The client is looking to grow their business...
Dic 21, 2023
Ref. TRBE20231116005 Pyme belga especializada en el procesamiento y reciclaje de residuos metálicos, eléctricos, electrónicos e informáticos busca socios para valorizar los gránulos de PVC reciclados en nuevos productos
The SME is a certified specialist in the processing & recycling of metal, electrical, electronic & computer waste. It provides collection, dismantling, crushing & recovery services. The SME recycles plastic (PVC) waste from cables, but these granules...
Nov 29, 2023
Ref. TRCZ20231016013 Empresa checa busca proveedor de cables y revestimientos aislantes resistentes a la radiación y al calor
A major nuclear engineering company in the Czech Republic seeks a European company able to provide a supply of special heat-resistant and radiation-resistant wire with a special isolation system. The technology need consists of: - Coil winding wire - Coil...
Oct 20, 2023
Ref. TRLV20230921003 Empresa letona busca un socio para probar e implementar una herramienta educativa inmersiva para estudiantes y profesionales de veterinaria
SME from Latvia in development process of the innovative product: veterinary simulator (VET VR), that is a virtual reality (VR) educational application for veterinary students and young professionals to study and practice canine (dog) anatomy. They are looking for...
Sep 28, 2023
Ref. TRNL20230925011 Mayorista holandés busca una solución para etiquetas digitales controladas remotamente
The company from the Netherlands is trading many non-food products. Currently all items are stickered manually. It is seeking a digital solution for its labels that is centrally managed. Solicite información indicando la...
Sep 27, 2023
Ref. TRDE20230811011 Startup alemana busca socios de la industria automovilística, de la moda o del mueble para probar y desarrollar cuero vegano como alternativa sostenible
A German startup developed a special process to produce a leather alternative made from hemp. The innovative product is an eco-friendly leather-like product that can be used in various sectors. To further develop the product, pilot customers as venture clients from...
Ago 29, 2023
Ref. TRDE20230704017 Empresa alemana busca especialistas en automatización y maquinaria especial
A German SME produces hot-top insulation for ingots in steel casting. The company is looking for a research service provider to improve manufacturing process of the hot top insulation. The SME is offering a research cooperation agreement. Solicite información...
Jul 27, 2023
Ref. TRRO20230626016 Empresa rumana activa en la industria textil busca una solución tecnológica para utilizar los residuos textiles de su propia producción
The Romanian company is looking for construction and development partners that can offer the technology and/or financial input needed for using textile waste for the delivery of full value plastic bricks insulated with textile waste. Solicite información indicando...
Jun 29, 2023
Ref. TRSI20230515016 Empresa eslovena productora de camiones de bomberos busca ayuda para diseñar un carrete de manguera contra incendios electrificado y un borde lateral elevado funcional para camiones de bomberos
Slovenian company, founded in 1985, is mainly engaged in the production of fire trucks. The current volume of production is 80 units per year. The company would like to find a partner that will help them with the development of fire hose reel with electric drive,...
May 25, 2023
Ref. TRBE20230524002 PYME belga de reparto de alimentos congelados busca soluciones técnicas para (1) entrega de última milla de productos congelados y (2) baterías o almacenamiento térmico para energía fotovoltaica
The Belgian SME specialised in delivery of frozen food is looking for: 1. Partners for the identification and adaptation to the niche refrigerated market of electric moped-cargo in an urban last-mile delivery context. 2. Partners to identify, adapt and install a...
May 25, 2023
Búsqueda de Socios
Ref.RDRIT20250314012. Empresa italiana busca socios para un proyecto Interreg NEXT MED sobre gestión sostenible de aguas residuales y economía circular.
A Lombardy-based startup is seeking partners from eligible Interreg NEXT MED regions to join a transnational project focused on wastewater valorization and circular economy solutions. The project aims to develop scalable bio-based technologies wastewater...
Mar 24, 2025
Ref.RDRHR20250218015.Una empresa croata de bioinformática basada en IA busca socios para una colaboración de Eurostars.
A Croatian AI-driven bioinformatics startup is actively seeking partners for a Eurostars collaboration. Their innovative solution automates complex omics data analysis, significantly enhancing accessibility and efficiency for researchers. The company is looking for...
Feb 24, 2025
Ref.RDRSI20250127001.Una organización de investigación eslovena busca usuarios finales de hidrógeno y productores de materiales catalizadores.
A consortium led by a Slovenian research organization with technology for ammonia cracking is looking for industrial partners – end-user of hydrogen and producer of catalyst materials. The consortium targets the call HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-02-03 with a deadline 23...
Ene 31, 2025
Ref.RDRIT20241218023.Startup italiana busca socios para participar en la convocatoria 9 de IHI – Tema 4: Impulsar la innovación mediante el aprovechamiento de la digitalización y el intercambio de datos en la asistencia sanitaria.
Italian startup is looking for partners to respond to IHI Call 9, Topic 4 by addressing critical challenges in data privacy, security, and interoperability. The startup offers a decentralized consent management solution that gives patients full control over their...
Dic 20, 2024
Ref.RDRDK20241120014.Empresa danesa de ciberseguridad busca socios con experiencia en IA/ML/ aprendizaje profundo para identificar la actividad maliciosa en una línea temporal de registros de eventos ruidosos y solicitar financiación de Horizonte Europa.
A Danish cybersecurity SME seeks partners with expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning for an R&D project. The aim is to develop advanced methodologies to identify malicious activities in noisy cybersecurity event logs, improving incident...
Nov 28, 2024
Ref.RDRCY20241017011.Empresa chipriota busca socio investigador para revolucionar la atención oncológica mediante investigación puntera en IA.
Cypriot company which specializes in personalized cancer therapy, leveraging AI and ML for innovative prognostic and diagnostic solutions. The company seeks research partnerships to expand the impact on cancer care patients through innovative research and...
Oct 28, 2024
Ref.RDRTR20240828007. Una empresa de Turquía busca actualmente un equipo de investigación o una empresa responsable del desarrollo de un conductor para su consorcio centrado en el desarrollo de motores para vehículos eléctricos de más de 100 kW.
The company is currently seeking a research team or company responsible for developing a driver for our consortium focused on the development of electric vehicle motors exceeding 100 kW. We plan to apply for the XECS program. The company can be either an SME or a...
Sep 25, 2024
Ref. RDRTR20240819006. PYME turca busca un socio para el proyecto Eurostars. El objetivo de este proyecto es colaborar en la integración de tecnologías SLM y WAAM para la producción y reparación avanzadas de piezas metálicas, dirigidas a los sectores aeroespacial, petrolero y de gas.
The project addresses the limitations of current additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, particularly Selective Laser Melting (SLM), in terms of repairability and cost-effectiveness for large-scale parts. SLM is effective for complex and intricate components but...
Ago 28, 2024
Ref. RDRTR20240703004 Una empresa innovadora líder en RRHH en Turquía busca una empresa de desarrollo de IA y software para colaborar en el proyecto Eurostar para la convocatoria de septiembre de 2024.
We are currently seeking a Software/AI Development Company to collaborate on a project for the Eurostar September 2024 Call. The project aims to develop an AI-powered Recruitment Platform. We are looking for a partner with expertise in Software and AI development...
Jul 25, 2024
Ref.RDRGR20240630002 Organización educativa griega busca socios para presentar propuestas en el programa Erasmus+ KA2.
The company is based on Crete in Greece and has a long experience in implementation training programs and Erasmus+ projects. The company is seeking for partnership collaborations for submitting in Erasmus+ KA2 next call. Solicite información indicando la...
Jul 1, 2024
REF. RDRFR20240506010. Start up francesa que desarrolla una solución in situ sin CO2 para producir hidrógeno a partir de biometano o gas natural busca acuerdos de cooperación en materia de investigación con vistas a su industrialización.
The French start-up has developped a new reactor technology to produce hydrogen and solid carbon from biomethane or natural gas. Using low energy plasma, the process is not only economical in electricity but also low-CAPEX and easily scalable thanks to its modular...
May 28, 2024
REF. RDRDE20240423009. Instituto de investigación líder internacional en el sector de la impresión y los medios de comunicación ofrece conocimientos especializados en investigación desde la preimpresión hasta el acabado de la impresión, incluidos temas relacionados con el medio ambiente y las aplicaciones de seguridad.
Renowned non-profit research institute based in Germany with members in over 50 countries. Activities cover the entire spectrum of the print and media industry and security documents. The equipment includes colour measurement devices, optical spectroscopy, scanning...
Abr 25, 2024
Ref. RDRFR20240318014 ONG francesa busca socios para una convocatoria Erasmus sobre educación alimentaria sostenible.
A French NGO is looking for partners to submit a proposal to Erasmus+ small-scale partnerships. The project is called "Growing Green Eaters: Fostering Sustainable and Innovative Food Awareness Among Children", and aims to educate children to embrace sustainable...
Abr 2, 2024
Ref. RDRNL20240222049 Una start-up neerlandesa busca socios educativos activos en el sector agrícola para presentarse juntos a la convocatoria GlobalStars Brasil.
A Dutch start-up is looking for partners in the field of education (universities, colleges) and/or online education, for a collaborative R&D project exploring: Innovation in agriculture through development of an online credited education track focused on...
Mar 1, 2024
Ref. RDRIE20240119008 Pymes de Irlanda y de Canadá busca socios en «Detección temprana y alerta de floraciones de algas nocivas (HAB)» en la convocatoria HORIZON-EUSPA-2023-SPACE-01-46
The consortium are proposing a HAB detection application by developing and training an AI model that would detect HABs from captured EO hyperspectral images. Once detection model is available it can execute (inference) on Copernicus EO data providing much more...
Ene 24, 2024
Ref. RDRTR20231218019 PYME turca especializada en fabricación aditiva de implantes metálicos/poliméricos está buscando socios de EUROSTARS para desarrollar un recubrimiento de mineralización y/o efecto antibacteriano para implantes con superficies trabeculares y lisas
A Turkish SME, active in the field of additive manufacturing of metallic/polymeric implants, is capable of fabricating parts from bioresorbable Mg alloy. Implants are planned to be fabricated in forms suitable for orthopedic applications. The company is seeking...
Dic 21, 2023
Ref. RDRBE20231121005 Organización belga busca socios para la convocatoria HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-7
We would like to share with you the profile of Belgian and French organisations looking for additional partners or to join a consortium for the topic HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-7: Enhancing working conditions and strengthening the work force through digital and...
Nov 29, 2023
Ref. RDRBE20231003015 Universidad belga busca socios de convocatoria HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-36: Biomateriales avanzados para la atención sanitaria (IA)
Belgian University research unit is looking for potential partners on Horizon Europe call [HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-36: Advanced biomaterials for the Health Care (IA)]. This unit specializes in translational research in biomaterials for dental prostheses,...
Oct 20, 2023
Ref. RDRPL20230912008 Instituto polaco busca socios para HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-01: Un desarrollo ético y centrado en las personas de las tecnologías digitales e industriales
Polish Institute of Innovative Technologies is planning to create AI.Match platform - an advanced system for automatically matching and parameterizing machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) models to different types of data and various user needs. A...
Sep 26, 2023
Ref. RDRIE20230920007 EIC Pathfinder Challenge: empresa irlandesa busca socios en refrigeración limpia y eficiente
This EIC Pathfinder Challenge aims at advancing scientific knowledge and technological development of novel, clean and efficient cooling solutions that fully underpin “cold economy” vision. For this purpose, the portfolio of projects supported under this Challenge...
Sep 26, 2023
Ref. RDRGR20230914002 Pyme griega especializada en robótica, IoT y automatización está buscando un socio para postularse a la convocatoria abierta de EIT Manufacturing
The Greek SME specializes in autonomous robotic solutions, leveraging sophisticated sensors, AI and expert software development. Having successfully engineered over 6 robots for innovative applications in precision agriculture, maritime and manufacturing industry....
Sep 26, 2023
Ref. RDRTR20230823001 Empresa turca busca socios para la convocatoria de dos etapas HORIZON-HLTH-2024-STAYHLTH-01-05
The company is preparing a proposal for the HORIZON-HLTH-2024-STAYHLTH-01-05-two-stage: Personalised prevention of non- communicable diseases - addressing areas of unmet needs using multiple data sources call for prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with...
Ago 29, 2023
Ref. RDRTR20230725016 HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-5: Una empresa y una universidad turcas buscan un coordinador para su consorcio de economía circular y bacterias degradados de madera
They have planned to create their own project about developing a suitable bio resins from the bacteria for their waste wood under the call ‘’HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-5: Programmed biodegradation capability of bio-based materials and products, validated in...
Jul 27, 2023
Ref. RDRDE20230718004 Horizon-JU-CBE-2023-R-03. Pyme alemana busca una instalación para bioanálisis, procesamiento y comercialización de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA), difusión y Evaluación del ciclo de vida/Análisis tecnoeconómico
A German SME is looking for a facility for bio-analytics, PHA processing and marketing, dissemination and Life Cycle Assessment/Techno Economic Analysis (LCA/TEA) to complete their consortium for a project under Horizon-JU-CBE-2023-R-03. Aim is the improvement,...
Jul 27, 2023
Ref. RDRCH20230712018 Eurostars: Universidad suiza busca un fabricante de zapatillas o plantillas y una asociación de atletas/corredores para el desarrollo de un entrenador de IA para correr más saludablemente
A consortium consisting of a Swiss university, a Danish University and a Danish SME is seeking a shoe/insole manufacturer and a sport-medicine/running association to complete a Eurostars consortium. The aim of the project is to develop a new optimised motivational...
Jul 27, 2023