Ref. BOBG20220812009. Empresa búlgara, productora de diferentes tipos de pegamentos y siliconas, busca distribuidores o empresas fabricantes que necesiten este tipo de productos en sus propios procesos productivos.
Bulgarian company, producing various kinds of glue, such as polyvinyl acetate glue, silicone and new Eco and vegan glues in different packaging, is looking for distributors and shops that sell such products or companies which use glue and silicone as raw materials for...
Ref. BOGR20220803008. Productor griego de biocompost natural busca distribuidores y agentes comerciales.
A Greek producer of soil enhancers made from the natural treatment of organic waste through an organic composting process seeks partners for distribution and commercial agency agreements. Solicite información indicando la referencia.
Ref. BODE20220613015. Empresa alemana busca distribuidores en Dinamarca, Suecia, Italia y España para su sistema de tratamiento de agua contra la cal y la corrosión. Este sistema está patentado y es respetuoso con el medio ambiente.
A German SME offers a patented water treatment system to install in the mains of water pipes of houses or big buildings or before boilers and appliances to protect against hard limescale and corrosion. Applications are in homes, commercial buildings, hospitals and...
Ref. BORO20220629014. Empresa rumana especializada en la fabricación de madera y productos semiacabados de madera busca socios de la UE para colaborar bajo un acuerdo de fabricación o subcontratación.
The Romanian company active in wood industry is an important manufacturer of timber and wood semi-finished products. It is specialized in manufacturing of products such as decorative plates / veneered high pressure laminates (high pressure laminates compact,...