Ref. TOFR20230110013 Constructor industrial francés ofrece servicio de optimización del rendimiento que combina metodología y herramienta digital para hacer que los procesos industriales sean efectivos, eficientes y adaptados a la industria 4.0
A French industrial turnkey constructor, expert in engineering, manufacturing, construction and management, offers a process performance optimisation service with help of a well-defined methodology and an IT tool ultra-customisable, extensible and interoperable...
Ref. TOGR20230119023 Pyme griega ofrece sistemas de gestión de energía de edificios basados en la nube
A Greek start-up has developed a unique energy management systems tool for buildings that provides comprehensive control of heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting systems for higher energy savings. This technology is offered to commercial partners for distribution...
Ref. TODE20230124007 Universidad alemana ofrece un sistema de postprocesamiento de piezas complejas de fabricación aditiva con altas exigencias de precisión e integridad de la superficie
A German university develops process chains, technologies and tools for micro and precision manufacturing. In addition to the production of components with dimensions on a µm-scale, a main topic is the specific functionalization of surfaces in terms of surface quality...
Ref. TOCH20230125010 Universidad suiza ofrece elastómeros que cambian de color para la detección visual de deformaciones o daños
A Swiss university offers a method for the design & fabrication of elastomer that change colour upon deformation. It allows control of the elastomers colour using readily available raw materials. Application could be displaying messages on soft screens,...