Ref. TOBE20221026013 Empresa belga ofrece un proceso innovador que permite la producción de compuestos microgranulados de fertilizantes NPK, sólidos y 100 % solubles en agua
A Belgian company, active in the R&D of specialty fertilizers, has developed a new process to produce micro granulated compound NPK fertilizers, 100 % water-soluble which can be used in all systems of irrigation or as foliar fertilizers. The invention is patented...
Ref. TOKR20220930001 Empresa coreana especializada en atención médica digital está buscando socios globales para una solución de monitoreo remoto de la salud utilizando la cámara de un smartphone
A Korean company specialized in digital healthcare has developed a health monitoring solution which can measure heart rate, blood pressure, stress and respiratory using a smartphone camera. This solution helps to measure health information without a pressure cuff or...
Ref. TOIT20220513010 Start-up italiana ofrece sistemas avanzados de iluminación LED aplicados a lámparas para fermentadores y fotobiorreactores
A high-tech start-up established in Northern Italy in 2016 has developed in collaboration with research centres and universities an innovative system of LED lamps that allows to increase the quality and quantity of production of phototrophic organisms such as moss,...
Ref. TOIT20220824006 Empresa italiana ofrece un sistema innovador de entrenador virtual de natación con aplicaciones en varios deportes y en actividades de rehabilitación
An Italian innovative SME has developed and patented worldwide a virtual swim trainer providing a strong LED light moving on a pool bottom or on the lane breakwater surface, so that the swimmer can constantly see the pointer position and compare it with their own. The...