Ref. BOMT20221219004 Pyme maltesa ofrece solidificación de residuos orgánicos líquidos a través de bolsitas de polímero superabsorbente para facilitar su manipulación y transporte.
A Maltese manufacturing company that produces chemical powder sachets seeks distributors that have connections with sellers of domestic organic waste bins and/or hospitality end-users in Europe for their super absorbent polymer (SAP) sachets that convert the liquid...
Ref. BOUA20221220028 Empresa ucraniana especializada en la producción y el comercio de pellets de madera busca distribuidores.
The Ukrainian company engaged in the production of wood pellets for consumer’s use is looking for partners under a distribution services agreement. The company’s production is certified according to the European standard ENPlus. The first production line was launched...
Ref. BOTR20221202004. Fabricante turco de perfiles de WPC busca socios internacionales bajo acuerdo de distribución.
The company is located in Ankara. They currently produce composite elements for exterior finishes. They are using base material is a composite made of recycled polypropylene and saw dust made from FSC certified wood from local sources. They are mainly manufacturing...
Ref. BODK20221108016. Pyme danesa busca acuerdo comercial para su nueva solución que permite predecir y reducir el consumo de energía para calefacción en edificios.
The system anticipates the future need for heat in the building and manages accordingly, allowing users to significantly reduce energy consumption in buildings, making them more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Their technology can be mounted on the...