Ref. BOLV20230905005 Empresa letona ofrece casas de madera laminada encolada.
Full cycle glued laminated timber house production in Latvia. The company starts from the customers´ ideas which are combined with the company´s design and house plans and continues with specification coordination and approvals, production, delivery, assembly from...
Ref. BOGB20230905002 El mayor fabricante de camas plegables y soluciones de camas para invitados de Reino Unido busca colaboraciones con minoristas, mayoristas y bajo contratación en Europa.
As one of the UK’s most popular bed brands, this UK bed manufacturer whose primary focus is the development of innovative environmentally sustainable mattresses, is seeking opportunities across Europe via distribution agreements. Distributors should already have...
Ref. BOPT20230810026 Compañía de inversión privada y gestión de activos portuguesa, enfocada en el sector de las energías limpias busca socios para el desarrollo y operación de proyectos de energía limpia.
A private investment and asset management holding firm based in Portugal, focused on the clean energy sector is seeking partners to develop and operate clean energy projects in new markets. It is envisaged that the partnership will take the form of a joint venture...
Ref. BOTR20230811021 Empresa turca especializada en la fabricación de harina de trigo busca compradores en Europa.
The company was established in 1988. The production capacity of the company is 27.000 tons per year and wheat breaking capasity is 1000 tons per day. The production is carried out in accordance with the food safety standards such as ISO 22000. The company currently...