Ref. BOIE20240401013 Empresa irlandesa que ofrece servicios de inglés comercial a clientes cuyo idioma nativo no es el inglés y que desean trabajar internacionalmente busca clientes internacionales.
This Irish company provides an English learning solution to companies that helps employees improve their level of Industry-specific English which subsequently equips businesses with autonomous teams. Solicite información indicando la referencia.
Ref. BOPL20240327011 Fabricante polaco de bolsas isotérmicas para pizza y otros alimentos calientes busca compradores en el sector alimentario y HoReCa.
A company from south Poland is offering thermobags made according to new standards, based on customer feedback. The bags have an external layer made of nylon, instead of traditionally used codura, which is a very durable material, resistant to wear and damage. Beside...
Ref. BOTR20240311016 Empresa turca que produce biocarbón de alta calidad busca agentes, mayoristas y minoristas internacionales.
The Turkish company has recently started a new patented technology that uses pyrolysis process to produce high quality biochar which is mainly used in agriculture, construction, livestock, asphalt and treatment. Biochar is a highly porous carbon that improves...
Ref. BORO20240228002 Agencia de viajes de Rumanía busca nuevos socios comerciales internacionales (agencias de turismo y de viajes) en el marco de acuerdos comerciales.
A Romanian travel agency offers corporate and leisure tourism services, as well as organising employee incentive programs and events. The company seeks travel agencies and tour operators interested to include Romanian travel destinations in their tourism packages....