Ref. BOGR20220628009. Fabricante griego de doble acristalamiento con eficiencia energética mejorada para edificios busca colaboradores en Europa a través de acuerdos de fabricación o de franquicia.
A Greek company with 40 years’ experience in the field of processing, manufacturing and setting up aluminium/steel double-glazed frames (doors, windows, pergolas, etc.) offers double-glazing with greater energy efficiency and luxurious showrooms through a...
Ref. BOPT20220223031. Empresa portuguesa de transporte de viajeros que ofrece sus servicios para actividades turísticas y empresariales, busca socios europeos para acuerdos de subcontratación y externalización de servicios.
Portuguese passenger transportation company, located in the South Lisbon region, was founded in 2010. Focused in providing transport services with quality, reliability and safety, they are willing to reach new markets, as part of their growing strategy. The company is...
Ref. BOBG20220812009. Empresa búlgara, productora de diferentes tipos de pegamentos y siliconas, busca distribuidores o empresas fabricantes que necesiten este tipo de productos en sus propios procesos productivos.
Bulgarian company, producing various kinds of glue, such as polyvinyl acetate glue, silicone and new Eco and vegan glues in different packaging, is looking for distributors and shops that sell such products or companies which use glue and silicone as raw materials for...
Ref. BOGR20220803008. Productor griego de biocompost natural busca distribuidores y agentes comerciales.
A Greek producer of soil enhancers made from the natural treatment of organic waste through an organic composting process seeks partners for distribution and commercial agency agreements. Solicite información indicando la referencia.