Ref. TRLV20230210027 Empresa letona busca un socio para probar e implementar una tecnología de visión artificial
Latvian innovative company has developed the machine visIon technology and is looking for partner for testing and implementing the technology. They are looking for an industry partner, a company that deals with product development, consulting or quality control...
Ref. TRNL20230202007 Empresa holandesa especializada en la automatización de procesos logísticos preparados para el futuro está buscando soluciones y tecnologías para automatizar aún más el proceso de carga de contenedores
A large Dutch company specialized in future-proof logistic process automation and partner of an international open innovation contest is looking for solutions and technologies to to further automate the container loading process. SMEs and academia are sought to...
Ref. TOPT20230209009 PYME portuguesa busca inversores para llevar al mercado un innovador panel solar térmico para calentar agua, ventilar aire y enfriar la temperatura del aire
The Portuguese SME developed an innovative solar thermal panel for house, business or construction project application. The product are combines the benefits of the air conditioner and the solar water heater. The thermal panel, with high-quality materials and...