A Ukrainian Institute is looking for partners to participate in a Horizon 2020 project – Improved production and maintenance processes in shipyards, ID: MG-3-7-2020 (use of underwater welding robots). The idea of this project is the design of a robotic wet underwater welding complex for shipyards of Europe. The institute is looking for partners from the EU to jointly participate in the project as part of the international consortium, including manufacturers of underwater robots.
The organization invites partners to consider the project and decide on joint participation in it. The institute is also searching for project coordinator – a ship manufacturer company or a ship repair Service.
Programme-Call: H2020-Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards ID: MG-3-7-2020.
The official deadline for the call: 21 of April 2020.
Deadline for the EoI: 12 of April 2020.
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