Ref. TOSI20230922014 Proveedor esloveno de servicios de fabricación electrónica de conjuntos de placas de circuito impreso (PCB) (PCBA) ofrece creación de prototipos y producción en series pequeñas y medianas de PCBs y/o PCBAs
A Slovenian electronic manufacturing service provider has its own production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and printed circuit boards assemblies (PCBAs) under one roof enabling fast prototyping and serial production of small/medium batches of electronic boards. The...
Ref. TOGR20230925017 Pyme griega ofrece estación meteorológica para la toma de datos en el campo en tiempo real
A Greek SME has developed a smart solution for the agricultural sector that enables the collection and transmission of weather data in real time to the cloud. The client is looking for partners to adopt the technology under commercial agreements with technical...
Ref. TOGB20230823009 Empresa del Reino Unido busca socios para probar una pintura refrigerante con alta reflectancia solar que han creado
UK SME has created a water-based cooling paint. It reflects solar heat away from a surface and allows that surface to lose more heat than it absorbs from the sun. The combination of high reflectivity, high emissivity, and low cost make their paint an important part of...
Ref. TOGR20230727006 Spin-off griega ofrece tecnología para la valorización de residuos alimentarios y subproductos del sector agroalimentario
A Greek spin-off has developed a waste management and recovery – reuse technique for reducing food waste. It is interested in setting up partnerships for further research and development of this technology in order to be able to commercialise it. Solicite...