Ref. TOFR20240123002 Startup francesa ofrece software basado en IA que acelera y automatiza la revisión de publicaciones científicas para investigadores
A French startup offers AI-powered software that automates literature review for medical clinicians and researchers, by gathering articles from open-source scientific publication platforms and sorting, analyzing, synthesizing and personalizing research output for the...
Ref. TOBE20231221012 PYME belga busca socios interesados en integrar el caucho reciclado en sus operaciones y que puedan contribuir al avance de los métodos de reprocesamiento del caucho
A belgian SME specialized in diverse granulation processes for compounds, elastomers, vulcanized rubber, and composites. The company offers tailored trials for various materials, emphasizing quality through meticulous analyses like density, flexion, compression, MDR,...
Ref. TOIT20231122018 Empresa italiana ofrece soluciones de mantenimiento predictivo basadas en inteligencia artificial para plantas industriales, civiles y eólicas/fotovoltaicas
An Italian company offers a predictive maintenance solution for civil and industrial systems, based on artificial intelligence. The technology offered allows to provide a correct prediction of the failure time or residual life of the equipment, guaranteeing the...
Ref. TOGR20231017016 Empresa griega ofrece tecnología de datos de trazabilidad para un sistema alimentario rastreable
A Greek SME is offering trackable food system technology for product traceability to food producers via commercial agrrements with technical assistance. Solicite información indicando la referencia