Ref. TOIT20220324034 Start-Up innovadora italiana desarrolladora de una tecnología inteligente para la protección sísmica y el monitoreo de edificios, busca socios para aplicaciones de proyectos piloto
An Italian Start-Up has developed and patented the first smart and one-size-fits-all device, an active mass damper, for seismic protection of existing buildings. The company is looking for partners for application of the system on pilot project as enhancement of the...
Ref. TOLV20220209002 Pyme de Letonia ofrece un equipo innovador de liofilización para la producción de alimentos
An SME from Latvia that is focused on R&D solutions in the field of vacuum and cryogenic systems, has developed innovative freeze drying/sublimation equipment for freezing of different food raw materials allowing to make new types of high-quality food products for...
Ref. TOIT20220302004 Empresa italiana especializada en desarrollar sensores para monitoreo de precisión en agricultura busca acuerdo de cooperación comercial y técnica
An Italian company specialized in developing sensors for the agriculture sector, offers its technologies for fields and crops monitoring, to analyze climatic, water and nutritional conditions. Partners are sought for research and technical cooperation or commercial...
Ref. TOIT20220223012 Pyme italiana ofrece grafeno y sus derivados para varias aplicaciones, como la industria de los polímeros, la protección de metales, las placas de circuitos imprimibles o como nuevos materiales de aislamiento térmico
An Italian company has developed and patented an innovative system able to produce graphene that can be applied in several field of applications and for different uses, from the polymeric materials to membranes and filters. Graphene offers upper mechanical resistance,...