Ref. TOBG20220623012 Empresa búlgara ofrece máquinas y servicios relacionados con la producción de hojas de sierra de cinta y el reafilado de herramientas de diamante policristalino (PCD)
A Bulgarian company experienced in the production of band saw blades and machines for their service and production offers its free capacities for punching large quantities of steel strips. It also offers resharpening of polycrystalline diamond tools (PCD). The company...
Ref. TODE20220623001 Start-up alemana ofrece una tecnología que permite la producción en masa de microcomponentes de alta resolución con funciones integradas hechos de metales con estructuras internas funcionales >100 µm
A German start-up has developed a unique production technology which enables the mass-produce of high-resolution, function-integrated micro-components made of metals with functional internal structures >100 µm. Hereby mass-production of metal microcomponents...
Ref. TOAT20220621002 PYME austríaca ofrece un instrumento de medición móvil para la localización de fuentes de sonido basado en tecnologías de teléfonos inteligentes y en la nube
An Austrian SME developed a solution to visualize the exact location from which a sound comes on a picture taken by a smartphone mounted on an apparatus with microphones. The technology is cheap, easy-to-use, handy and delivers high-quality results. The technology can...
Ref. TOIT20220527018 Empresa italiana especializada en identificar y gestionar riesgos relacionados con la variabilidad climática y el cambio climático busca nuevos socios
The Italian company is an highly innovative SME working on Climate Services in different economic sectors, with a main focus on the infrastructure and insurance markets. The company, with a great experience in climate-related risk assessment, designs climate risk...