Ref. TODK20220811004 Empresa danesa de IoT que ofrece soluciones inteligentes en una variedad de áreas que incluyen medición inteligente, submedición de electricidad y mantenimiento predictivo
Danish IoT company offers smart solutions in a variety of areas such as smart homes, smart machines and smart metering (for electricity, water, and gas), electricity submetering, and predictive maintenance. They are looking for new partners across the globe for...
Ref. TOIT20220712008 Empresa italiana ofrece productos y servicios para integrar datos de múltiples fuentes heterogéneas en un gráfico de conocimiento virtual claramente estructurado y siempre actualizado para ayudar a las empresas a tomar mejores decisiones comerciales basadas en conocimientos de datos
The company provides products and services for integrating data from multiple heterogeneous sources into a cleanly structured, and always up-to-date Virtual Knowledge Graph. It serves applications like business intelligence, reporting, dashboarding, analytics, machine...
Ref. TOUA20220725011 Empresa ucraniana ofrece un sistema de compensación de energía reactiva
A Ukrainian company offers a modern electronic switching system for reactive energy compensation. This system works without a transient process, it is used to compensate for the reactive power of any loads, the time for complete data collection is 3-4 seconds. The...
Ref. TOIT20220725012 PYME italiana ofrece un sistema innovador, continuo, automático y rentable de monitoreo de estructuras, infraestructuras o movimientos del suelo basado en la tecnología del Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS)
Italian SME offers an innovative GNSS end-to-end system for the continuous monitoring of critical infrastructure (e.g. dams, bridges, roads), structures (e.g. buildings) and natural hazards (e.g. landslides). The system includes hardware, software and technical...