Ref. TOIT20221026012 PYME italiana ofrece un material innovador para reparación y parcheado en la industria del petróleo y el gas
An innovative Italian SME has developed and patented a revolutionary composite material combining extreme lightness and flexibility with high strength and rigidity. The material can find applications in several industries, the company is particularly interested in...
Ref. TRFR20221110004 PYME francesa que busca una tecnología, una solución digital o un enfoque de marketing innovador para compensar la falta de experiencia sensorial al vender productos olfativos en línea
A French SME active in the development of natural organic based perfumes is looking for an original solution to allow its customers to discover scents remotely. The company is interested in new digital marketing solutions for selling olfactory products or new...
Ref. TRDE20221118011 Solución buscada para la optimización de estructuras de estacionamiento y guía de tráfico para camiones
A German municipal company responsible for the maintenance of public traffic infrastructures is looking for a digital solution to optimize parking structures for trucks. Sought are startups or SMEs with expertise in traffic management for technical cooperation...
Ref. TRFI20221123017 Programa acelerador global en el campo de la energía busca nuevas empresas y ampliaciones con nuevas tecnologías
A Finnish technology center with international energy tech partners is looking for new technologies from start-ups and growth companies to apply for an accelerator business program in the energy sector. All startup companies and growth companies with early-stage or...