Ref. TRNL20230516015 Gran empresa neerlandesa activa en la reparación y revisión de aeronaves busca tecnologías de inspección automatizadas para piezas de motores de aeronaves
The increasing complexity of modern aircrafts and the rising costs of maintenance require a more automated way of inspecting aircraft components. These systems have the potential for faster, more accurate and more reliable inspections. That is why this big Dutch...
Ref. TRNL20230424010 Empresa holandesa está buscando soluciones para crear el estacionamiento más verde y sostenible del futuro
Dutch family business that operates in the broad outdoor space is now looking for soltions to create a parking lot of the future that is sustainable and green and easy to use. Partners are sought in the frame of a technical cooperation agreement. Solicite información...
Ref. TRIT20230314034 Empresa italiana busca mejorar la durabilidad y mejorar el mantenimiento de construcciones de madera
A italian company is looking for products and solutions, technologies and processes, hardware and software, which can: – Increased durability of timber constructions. – Optimise standard maintenance and avoid additional emergency maintenance. Solicite...
Ref. TRFR20230323022 Empresa francesa busca un socio fabricante de pilas de combustible de hidrógeno pequeñas y ligeras de 5 kW para su uso en movilidad ligera con el fin de cargar las baterías
A French company designs and produces energy systems based on hydrogen gas (H2). The company plans to launch new low-carbon product that merges the energies of solar panels (PV), Fuel Cells (FCs) and batteries to be integrated into light cars or light boats. The...