Ref. TRDE20230811011 Startup alemana busca socios de la industria automovilística, de la moda o del mueble para probar y desarrollar cuero vegano como alternativa sostenible
A German startup developed a special process to produce a leather alternative made from hemp. The innovative product is an eco-friendly leather-like product that can be used in various sectors. To further develop the product, pilot customers as venture clients from...
Ref. TRDE20230704017 Empresa alemana busca especialistas en automatización y maquinaria especial
A German SME produces hot-top insulation for ingots in steel casting. The company is looking for a research service provider to improve manufacturing process of the hot top insulation. The SME is offering a research cooperation agreement. Solicite información...
Ref. TRRO20230626016 Empresa rumana activa en la industria textil busca una solución tecnológica para utilizar los residuos textiles de su propia producción
The Romanian company is looking for construction and development partners that can offer the technology and/or financial input needed for using textile waste for the delivery of full value plastic bricks insulated with textile waste. Solicite información indicando la...
Ref. TRSI20230515016 Empresa eslovena productora de camiones de bomberos busca ayuda para diseñar un carrete de manguera contra incendios electrificado y un borde lateral elevado funcional para camiones de bomberos
Slovenian company, founded in 1985, is mainly engaged in the production of fire trucks. The current volume of production is 80 units per year. The company would like to find a partner that will help them with the development of fire hose reel with electric drive, and...