Ref. TRSI20240119011 Empresa eslovena especializada en el desarrollo y producción de productos de poliuretano (PU) busca ayuda para evitar y separar los productos semiacabados de PU que se adhieran a los moldes de aluminio
Slovenian company, founded in 1994, is engaged in the production of various finished polyurethane (PU) products such as seat parts. The company would like to find a partner to help solve the challenge of separating semi-finished polyurethane foam products from...
Ref. TRIE20231206013 Empresa irlandesa de diseño de prendas de punto de lujo que busca un acuerdo de asociación con un proveedor de hilos de cachemira de todos los calibres
The client offers luxury knitwear designed and crafted in Ireland, specifically Cashmere and Handknit Arans. The client has been in business since 2016, and offers their luxury knitwear products throughout Ireland. The client is looking to grow their business...
Ref. TRBE20231116005 Pyme belga especializada en el procesamiento y reciclaje de residuos metálicos, eléctricos, electrónicos e informáticos busca socios para valorizar los gránulos de PVC reciclados en nuevos productos
The SME is a certified specialist in the processing & recycling of metal, electrical, electronic & computer waste. It provides collection, dismantling, crushing & recovery services. The SME recycles plastic (PVC) waste from cables, but these granules have...
Ref. TRCZ20231016013 Empresa checa busca proveedor de cables y revestimientos aislantes resistentes a la radiación y al calor
A major nuclear engineering company in the Czech Republic seeks a European company able to provide a supply of special heat-resistant and radiation-resistant wire with a special isolation system. The technology need consists of: – Coil winding wire – Coil...