Ref. TRGR20220216001 Empresa griega mediana busca un sistema de detección de la calidad de la fruta para el compostaje
A Greek medium sized company that produces preserved fruits of premium quality is interested in acquiring proper technology for detecting the quality of the fruits (mainly peaches, apricots and pears) before the beginning of the composting process. Partners from...
Ref. TRNL20220615022 Una agencia del gobierno holandés y parte de un consorcio buscan una solución a la detección e identificación rápida de drogas en las cárceles
A Dutch government agency and part of a consortium of 4 governmental agencies that control all prisons in the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium and Spain, is looking for providers of innovative solutions for the detection of drugs. To find the right technology they have,...
Ref. TRIT20220524015 Empresa italiana busca tecnología de módulos fotovoltaicos solares con estructura de aleación de acero
Italian company search technology in the fields of Solar PV Modules alloy steel frame. Difference between alloy steel and aluminum frame in order to achieve the carbon peak & carbon neutralization target and to reduce the total cost of solar system. The company is...
Ref. TRHR20220509016 Empresa de IT busca fabricantes de baterías y powerbanks de alta calidad
The Croatian-based company was founded in 2007. The primary focus is on IT solutions (In house solutions and Custom made solutions). In the process of implementing IoT solutions in business models as well. The ideal partner is expected to have sound knowledge in this...