Ref. RDRFR20220623020 Empresa francesa que desarrolla un sistema de protección contra incendios para edificios busca socios de I+D para completar el consorcio para una propuesta de proyecto Eurostars/Eureka
The French company is developing an innovative auto protection system against fires in outdoor areas, which slows and breaks the propagation of fire with a water projection system and retardant. The company is preparing a Eurostars/ Eureka project proposal and is...
Ref. RDRHR20220510003 HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02: búsqueda de socios industriales y académicos de Europa
For the purpose of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)- Call Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the green deal (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02) company is searching for strong partners to complete consortium for the...
Ref. RDRSK20220519001 Equipo eslovaco de investigación generacionalmente equilibrado de expertos activos en el campo de las tecnologías del hidrógeno ofrece su experiencia para participar como socio en un proyecto de Horizon Europe
Slovak expert research team, which includes young doctoral students 2, engineers 2, associate professor 1, prof 2 working in the field since 2008 and solving issues of hydrogen technologies in the field of research, development and teaching is looking for partners for...
Ref. RDRFR20220519022 M-era.Net (convocatoria 2022): centro de investigación francés busca laboratorios para desarrollar conjuntamente un polvo para aplicación Coldspray
Within the framework of the M-era.Net (call 2022) programme, a multinational consortium coordinated by a French research centre (specialised in the treatment and coatings of advanced surfaces) is looking for laboratories to develop altogether an innovative aluminium...