Ref. RDRFI20221128030 Empresa finlandesa de biotecnología está buscando socios para proyectos Eurostars y Horizon Europe sobre fermentación fúngica y formulación de cultivos vivos
A Finnish company is specializing in fungal-based biotechnology. The project area aims to scale-up innovative, optimized and validated formulation methods of live fungal inoculants. Ideal potential partner(s) should be experts in live microbial culture formulations...
Ref. RDRRO20220628022 ONG creativa rumana enfocada en apoyar y desarrollar el paisaje urbano busca artistas, ciudades y universidades para proyectos innovadores I+D
The Romanian NGO was established in 2016 to support and develop the urban and national landscape through creative and innovative projects. Initiatives supported by the association focus on educational, social, creative, and interdisciplinary activities. To further...
Ref. RDRIS20221014025 Empresa tecnológica islandesa que desarrolla ropa interior inteligente para la incontinencia busca socio para proyecto Eurostars
Icelandic technology company developing smart underwear for male urinary incontinence. The intelligent garment consists of underwear pants with embedded electrodes and Electromyography Sensor: EMG sensors that will collect data from muscular function during...
Ref. RDRCZ20221020006 Pyme checa busca socios para el desarrollo de un material para muelles destinados a vehículos ferroviarios
A Czech research SME is looking for partners interested in joint research project focused on development of spring for railway vehicles. The SME is foreseen European project (Horizon Europe or similar) but is open to any other funding option. Joint research project is...