Ref. RDRIE20240119008 Pymes de Irlanda y de Canadá busca socios en «Detección temprana y alerta de floraciones de algas nocivas (HAB)» en la convocatoria HORIZON-EUSPA-2023-SPACE-01-46
The consortium are proposing a HAB detection application by developing and training an AI model that would detect HABs from captured EO hyperspectral images. Once detection model is available it can execute (inference) on Copernicus EO data providing much more timely...
Ref. RDRTR20231218019 PYME turca especializada en fabricación aditiva de implantes metálicos/poliméricos está buscando socios de EUROSTARS para desarrollar un recubrimiento de mineralización y/o efecto antibacteriano para implantes con superficies trabeculares y lisas
A Turkish SME, active in the field of additive manufacturing of metallic/polymeric implants, is capable of fabricating parts from bioresorbable Mg alloy. Implants are planned to be fabricated in forms suitable for orthopedic applications. The company is seeking...
Ref. RDRBE20231121005 Organización belga busca socios para la convocatoria HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-7
We would like to share with you the profile of Belgian and French organisations looking for additional partners or to join a consortium for the topic HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-7: Enhancing working conditions and strengthening the work force through digital and...
Ref. RDRBE20231003015 Universidad belga busca socios de convocatoria HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-36: Biomateriales avanzados para la atención sanitaria (IA)
Belgian University research unit is looking for potential partners on Horizon Europe call [HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-36: Advanced biomaterials for the Health Care (IA)]. This unit specializes in translational research in biomaterials for dental prostheses, from...