Ref. TOIT20220324034 Start-Up innovadora italiana desarrolladora de una tecnología inteligente para la protección sísmica y el monitoreo de edificios, busca socios para aplicaciones de proyectos piloto
An Italian Start-Up has developed and patented the first smart and one-size-fits-all device, an active mass damper, for seismic protection of existing buildings. The company is looking for partners for application of the system on pilot project as enhancement of the...
Ref. RDRIT20220328049 PYME italiana está buscando socios para un consorcio para implementar soluciones innovadoras para la digitalización de empresas y servicios digitales para la convocatoria Innovation investments Strand 1 e 2 – DIGIT (I3-2021-INV1 e I3-2021-INV2)
An Italian SME, a hydraulic valves manufacturer located in northern Italy, is looking for partners for an Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (I3) grant application. Within the proposal, the company intends to pursue, with the help of other partners, two...
Ref. TRAT20220317043 Empresa austriaca activa en la industria alimentaria busca soluciones para la extracción y transformación/descomposición de un gas industrial en productos inocuos
The Start-up located in the region of Lower Austria produces and sells food products generated from processing fruit seeds. It is looking for a vacuum compressor solution to transport a harmful gas mixture out of a reactor and a post-treatment step that transforms it...