Ref. TRMT20220503006 Startup maltesa busca socios europeos expertos en hardware o software de captura de movimiento facial y escaneo y modelado 3D para su laboratorio de medios X Reality (XR)
A Maltese technological advertising start-up is seeking suppliers and/or service providers to purchase and/or collaborate on solutions for its X Reality (XR) media lab including facial motion capture, 3D scanning and modelling, and motion capture hardware and...
Ref. TOIT20220527018 Empresa italiana especializada en identificar y gestionar riesgos relacionados con la variabilidad climática y el cambio climático busca nuevos socios
The Italian company is an highly innovative SME working on Climate Services in different economic sectors, with a main focus on the infrastructure and insurance markets. The company, with a great experience in climate-related risk assessment, designs climate risk...
Ref. TOPT20220527022 Instituto portugués de investigación científica busca socios para cooperar en el desarrollo de recubrimientos anticorrosión de base biológica, sostenibles y de alta durabilidad
A Portuguese scientific research institute with expertise in the area of durability of materials and anticorrosive protection assessment, in particular in accelerated and outdoor ageing tests, is interested in integrating research teams or consortiums (companies,...