Ref. RDRDK20220622010 Desarrollador danés de sistemas interactivos de medios adaptables que busca un socio científico y cultural para la convocatoria Creative Europe – Innovation Lab
Danish startup has developed a unique biosensor-based analysis of short format media productions that has the potential to change the current media development processes. They are looking for partner universities researching biometric data application and biomarker...
Ref. RDRIT20220617007 Empresa italiana busca socios especializados en producción audiovisual y socios con experiencia en educación para participar en la convocatoria Creative Europe – Innovation Lab
An Italian company has developed an interactive app that aims to bring the new generations closer to classical music. The app wants to enable young users to intuitive learning and offers school teachers an innovative learning tool for distance and face-to-face lessons...
Ref. RDRFR20220623020 Empresa francesa que desarrolla un sistema de protección contra incendios para edificios busca socios de I+D para completar el consorcio para una propuesta de proyecto Eurostars/Eureka
The French company is developing an innovative auto protection system against fires in outdoor areas, which slows and breaks the propagation of fire with a water projection system and retardant. The company is preparing a Eurostars/ Eureka project proposal and is...