Ref. TRGR20220819010 PYME griega del sector de los materiales está buscando socios para desarrollar materiales compuestos ligeros con una funcionalidad fisicoquímica mejorada y una mayor viabilidad económica
Final products from lighter materials require less energy to transport, which gives engineers and designers the opportunity to increase the efficiency of their products when working with lightweight materials. The Greek SME company is interested in the development of...
Ref. TOIT20220824006 Empresa italiana ofrece un sistema innovador de entrenador virtual de natación con aplicaciones en varios deportes y en actividades de rehabilitación
An Italian innovative SME has developed and patented worldwide a virtual swim trainer providing a strong LED light moving on a pool bottom or on the lane breakwater surface, so that the swimmer can constantly see the pointer position and compare it with their own. The...
Ref. TOFI20220824004 Empresa finlandesa ofrece una nueva tecnología de procesado termomecánico para reciclar y convertir residuos de plásticos reforzados con fibra (FRP)
A Finnish technology SME seeks new partners under a licensing agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance. It offers a low cost and up-scalable thermomechanical processing technique with commodity equipment to convert thermoset FRP waste from...