Ref. TOIT20220513010 Start-up italiana ofrece sistemas avanzados de iluminación LED aplicados a lámparas para fermentadores y fotobiorreactores
A high-tech start-up established in Northern Italy in 2016 has developed in collaboration with research centres and universities an innovative system of LED lamps that allows to increase the quality and quantity of production of phototrophic organisms such as moss,...
Ref. TRNL20220926005 Corporación holandesa de vivienda social busca soluciones para reducir la pérdida de calor en las aberturas de las fachadas de la manera más eficiente posible
A Dutch social housing corporation is looking for partner who can offer solutions to reduce heatloss in façade openings as efficiently as possible. They are looking for partners that can offer a solutions or ideas (from TRL 5-8) to reduce heatloss on their housing...
Ref. RDRDE20220831006 HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01 Una red centrada en la catálisis cooperativa busca colaboradores industriales (industria química y afines) para convertirse en socios asociados para esta convocatoria MSCA
Aiming to provide a broader perspective and to increases the employability of the doctoral candidates, the network, which focuses on the topic of Cooperative Catalysis, is looking for industrial collaborators (chemical industry and related) to become associated...