Ref. TRDE20221216019 Start-up alemana busca acceso temporal a biorreactores para escalar la fermentación aeróbica de levadura de aceite
To scale the production process of innovative carbon-light oils in intermediary steps, a start-up from Northern Germany seeks contacts to biotech scale up partners with free capacities in bio-reactors (1.000 L, 10.000 L, 100.000 L). Envisaged are commercial agreements...
Ref. TRGB20221219007 Empresa biotecnológica del Reino Unido busca un socio para proporcionar una espuma de polímero «memory foam» (SMP) para un dispositivo médico
UK (Wales)-based biotech and healthcare company is developing a medical device for wound care and is looking for a company with an established Shape Memory Polymer (SMP) foam to provide material to be used in the device presently in development under a commercial...
Ref. RDRFI20221128030 Empresa finlandesa de biotecnología está buscando socios para proyectos Eurostars y Horizon Europe sobre fermentación fúngica y formulación de cultivos vivos
A Finnish company is specializing in fungal-based biotechnology. The project area aims to scale-up innovative, optimized and validated formulation methods of live fungal inoculants. Ideal potential partner(s) should be experts in live microbial culture formulations...