Ref. TRSI20230515016 Empresa eslovena productora de camiones de bomberos busca ayuda para diseñar un carrete de manguera contra incendios electrificado y un borde lateral elevado funcional para camiones de bomberos
Slovenian company, founded in 1985, is mainly engaged in the production of fire trucks. The current volume of production is 80 units per year. The company would like to find a partner that will help them with the development of fire hose reel with electric drive, and...
Ref. TRBE20230524002 PYME belga de reparto de alimentos congelados busca soluciones técnicas para (1) entrega de última milla de productos congelados y (2) baterías o almacenamiento térmico para energía fotovoltaica
The Belgian SME specialised in delivery of frozen food is looking for: 1. Partners for the identification and adaptation to the niche refrigerated market of electric moped-cargo in an urban last-mile delivery context. 2. Partners to identify, adapt and install a...
Ref. TRFR20230516005 Empresa francesa busca fabricante de electrolizadores de 100kW-1MW para producción de hidrógeno
An innovative French company is designing hydrogen production stations powered by photovoltaic panels and a hydrogen fuel cell. The company is embarking on the manufacture of stations and is currently looking for low-power electrolysers in a range of 100kW-1MW for...