Ref. TRRO20230626016 Empresa rumana activa en la industria textil busca una solución tecnológica para utilizar los residuos textiles de su propia producción
The Romanian company is looking for construction and development partners that can offer the technology and/or financial input needed for using textile waste for the delivery of full value plastic bricks insulated with textile waste. Solicite información indicando la...
Ref. TODE20230608014 Startup alemana ofrece un software de gemelo digital para simular procesos de industrias manufactureras
A German Startup has developed a digital twin software to simulate industrial solids processes. This process simulation tool digitally reproduces the behaviour of solids, e.g. during different production stages. It can be used to enable seemless optimization, simulate...
Ref. RDRLV20230622002 PYME innovadora letona busca socios para HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-03
A Latvian company is building a consortium of partners to apply for a grant in HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-03. They aim to develop the technology enabling a wider implementation of on-demand manufacturing in various industry sectors, e.g. food sector or skin...