Danish SME offers grease layer reduction technology in exhaust ducts for catering companies. The Danish SME’s product: The Power Pack system is able to be mounted in large scale kitchens and thereby help catering companies in reducing maintannce costs for exhaust ducts. The Danish SME is looking to cooperate under a commercial agreement with European partners who would be interested in their service.
Taller: Análisis de Brechas de Seguridad de la Información en la Empresa
Taller práctico impartido en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Albacete. Este taller explorará casos reales de brechas de seguridad, analizando cómo la falta de políticas adecuadas y el incumplimiento normativo pueden poner en riesgo la integridad de...
Feb 24, 2025