German Start-up looks for partners interested in applying a new coating technology. The hydrophilic polymer is non-toxic and biocompatible, while bio- and dirt film formation is reduced significantly by anti-adherence activity. It is applied by a fast and efficient dip- or spray coating. The company seeks technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance in mechanical and plant engineering, filtration, centrifugation, and household appliances, «white goods».
Taller: Análisis de Brechas de Seguridad de la Información en la Empresa
Taller práctico impartido en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Albacete. Este taller explorará casos reales de brechas de seguridad, analizando cómo la falta de políticas adecuadas y el incumplimiento normativo pueden poner en riesgo la integridad de...
Feb 24, 2025