A German SME has developed an AI (artificial intelligence) based cash register. The system enables the automatic image recognition of a dish under a camera in real time, the payment is organised by card. The system is suitable is yet in use in canteens and cafeterias. Weekly meal plans can be imported and images of new meals can be stored in the systems database within minutes. The SME is looking commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Taller: Análisis de Brechas de Seguridad de la Información en la Empresa
Taller práctico impartido en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Albacete. Este taller explorará casos reales de brechas de seguridad, analizando cómo la falta de políticas adecuadas y el incumplimiento normativo pueden poner en riesgo la integridad de...
Feb 24, 2025