A Belgian company, active in the R&D of specialty fertilizers, has developed a new process to produce micro granulated compound NPK fertilizers, 100 % water-soluble which can be used in all systems of irrigation or as foliar fertilizers.
The invention is patented (valid till10/2032). The company is looking for a European (E.U) industrial partner, preferably a supplier of the used raw materials, interested in implementing industrially the invention under an exclusive license agreement.
Ref. BOMK20241217020 Empresa macedonia fabricante de equipos eléctricos de baja tensión para aplicaciones industriales busca socios extranjeros.
A well-established Macedonian manufacturer of law voltage electrical equipment for industrial applications seeks partners for commercial agreements. Founded in the 1950s, the company is now recognized for its innovative solutions and modern design. The range of...
Ene 16, 2025