A German SME is looking for a facility for bio-analytics, PHA processing and marketing, dissemination and Life Cycle Assessment/Techno Economic Analysis (LCA/TEA) to complete their consortium for a project under Horizon-JU-CBE-2023-R-03. Aim is the improvement, up-grading and up-scaling of a well-established cellular two-component bacterial cell system in an advanced photo-bio-reactor system with best illumination known. Deployed is the heterotroph Pseudomonas putida for PHA-production.
Ref. BOMK20241217020 Empresa macedonia fabricante de equipos eléctricos de baja tensión para aplicaciones industriales busca socios extranjeros.
A well-established Macedonian manufacturer of law voltage electrical equipment for industrial applications seeks partners for commercial agreements. Founded in the 1950s, the company is now recognized for its innovative solutions and modern design. The range of...
Ene 16, 2025