A Croatian company is looking for manufacturer or distributor of diapers for adults as well as diabetes products under commercial agency or distribution service agreement
A Croatian company is looking for a manufacturer or distributor of diapers for adults with incontinence as well as diabetes products for further distribution on Croatian market. Preferred partner should be from the following countries: Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and China. The company is looking for a long-term partnership under commercial agency agreement or distribution service agreement.
Taller: Análisis de Brechas de Seguridad de la Información en la Empresa
Taller práctico impartido en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Albacete. Este taller explorará casos reales de brechas de seguridad, analizando cómo la falta de políticas adecuadas y el incumplimiento normativo pueden poner en riesgo la integridad de...
Feb 24, 2025