The Ukrainian company founded in March 2006 in Dnipro (the then Dnipropetrovsk) produces quality UPVC (Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) windows and doors profile systems at affordable prices.
Its unique product quality is acclaimed by windows producers and dealers nationwide. The company’s quality control laboratory is state-approved and operates on an uninterrupted cycle to ensure Ukrainian and international standards of design and quality.
Profiles are produced using up-to-date equipment from international suppliers.
Ref. BOMK20241217020 Empresa macedonia fabricante de equipos eléctricos de baja tensión para aplicaciones industriales busca socios extranjeros.
A well-established Macedonian manufacturer of law voltage electrical equipment for industrial applications seeks partners for commercial agreements. Founded in the 1950s, the company is now recognized for its innovative solutions and modern design. The range of...
Ene 16, 2025