Ref. BODK20221108016. Pyme danesa busca acuerdo comercial para su nueva solución que permite predecir y reducir el consumo de energía para calefacción en edificios.

The system anticipates the future need for heat in the building and manages accordingly, allowing users to significantly reduce energy…...


Ofertas Comerciales


Acuerdo comercial | ahorro energético | calefacción





The system anticipates the future need for heat in the building and manages accordingly, allowing users to significantly reduce energy consumption in buildings, making them more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Their technology can be mounted on the outside of existing installations and are already running at several municipalities. The company takes the entire cost and risk of delivering the specific documented energy savings to the user, covering the cost of equipment, installation, software, maintenance and assuming the risk for changes in energy prices and investments.

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