Ref. BODE20240723011 Empresa alemana ofrece selladores nanoestructurados y libres de silicona que facilitan la limpieza de superficies.

A German company specialises in high-quality nano-structured, silicone-free sealants for coating and impregnation for numerous applications (automotive glass, PV solar,…...


Ofertas Comerciales


industria | limpieza superficial | MOBILIARIO | sanitario | selladores | Textil





A German company specialises in high-quality nano-structured, silicone-free sealants for coating and impregnation for numerous applications (automotive glass, PV solar, textiles, rims, marquees, grills etc.). The sealants reduce cleaning time and effort, enhancing productivity for users. The company seeks trade intermediaries who can introduce the products to different industries (furniture, automotive, grill, textile, bathroom facilities, building cleaning etc.) in every European country.

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